
Wake County Republican Party Plan of Organization

As adopted by the Wake County Executive Committee on May 15, 2024

Wake County Republican Party Plan of Organization

As adopted by the Wake County Convention of May 15, 2024














We, the members of the Republican Party of Wake County, North Carolina:

  • Dedicated to the sound principles fostered by that party,
  • Conscious of our civic responsibilities and rights,
  • Firm in our determination to give our strength to preserving the American principle that:
    • Government ought and must be of all the people,
    • By all the people, and
    • For all the people,

Do, for the purpose of uniting and coordinating our efforts for maximum power and efficiency, herewith establish this instrument, the Plan of Organization of the Republican Party of Wake County.





  1. Party Membership – Every citizen residing in of Wake County, North Carolina, and who is identified by and registered with the Wake County Board of Elections as Republican in the precinct of their residence is a member of the Republican


Party of Wake County, North Carolina.


  1. Right of Participation – Every party member may participate in the official affairs of the Republican Party in accordance with this Plan of


  1. Right to Represent Own Precinct – Every member who successfully completes the credentialing process during the Precincts Meetings has the right to represent their precinct as a delegate or alternate to the County Convention. Every delegate at the County Convention who successfully completes the credentialing process during the County Convention has the right to represent the County as a delegate or alternate at the Congressional District and State


  1. Right to Hold Party Office – Every delegate to the County Convention has the right to run for County Party


  1. Duties – Every member of the Wake County Republican Party has a duty to vote. Every delegate and alternate to the conventions has a duty to




  1. Annual Precinct Meetings:


  1. In every year, the County Chair shall call precinct meetings to be held the time specified in the State Plan of Organization for the North Carolina Republican


  1. The County Chair shall give at least ten days’ written notice of the time and place of holding the meeting to each Precinct Chair. The County Chair shall also inform the Precinct Chair as to the number of registered Republicans entitled to cast votes at the County


  1. The County Chair shall also give at least ten days’ notice of such meeting in a newspaper of general circulation within the


  1. Failure of the County Chair to call and properly notify members of their Precinct Meetings shall be cause for any member of the County Executive Committee to call the precinct meetings by notice in a newspaper of general circulation within the


  1. Every Republican registered in Wake County prior to January 31 preceding the Meetings shall be entitled to cast one vote, except that the January 31 requirement shall not apply to residents who have moved into the precinct within 30 days of the precinct



  1. If a precinct meeting is moved from the location designated by the County Chair, the Precinct Chair shall be responsible for complying with the procedure outlined below:


  • The Precinct Chair shall designate one member of the precinct to station himself at the location for the precinct meeting originally designated by the County Chair one-half hour prior to the designated meeting


  • He shall direct those attending to the correct location and he shall remain at the originally designated location until the time for the precinct meeting to


  • Upon the departure of the above-referenced individual, he shall leave prominently displayed a sign directing all who arrive late to the alternate location being used for the precinct


  1. Odd year precinct meetings, with a quorum of at least one person, shall elect a Precinct Committee consisting of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and as many members-at-large as receive a majority of votes cast at the meeting. Members of the Precinct Committee shall have terms lasting two years and shall be eligible for reelection at the expiration of their


  1. Annual Precinct meetings shall elect one delegate and one alternate to the County


  • They shall also elect one additional delegate and alternate for each 100 registered Republican voters, or major fraction thereof, in the precinct as of January 31st of that


  • Election of delegates and alternates to the County Convention must be by name, address, and telephone number. Delegates must be qualified to vote in the meeting at which they are elected; and preference shall be given to the election of persons present at the


  • There shall be no proxy


  1. The Chair and Secretary of each Precinct shall certify the election of officers, committee members, and delegates and alternates to the County Convention on forms stipulated by the State Central Committee and furnished by the County



  • No other form or manner of certification shall be


  • Complete credentials shall be in the hands of the County Secretary by the date specified by the County Chair, which shall be at least two days prior to the Credentials Committee Meeting for the County Convention; provided, however, that when the Precinct Meetings and the County Convention are held the same day, the complete credentials shall be in the hands of the County Secretary at the time set by the County Chair on that day.


  • No Delegate or Alternate shall be added to the Credentials List following the adjournment of the Precinct


  • The delegate list shall be made immediately available to any Republican candidate, at that candidate’s reasonable expense, after the County Chair receives a confidentiality and use agreement, signed by the candidate, stating that the list will be used only for Republican activities related to the candidate’s run for


  1. Other Precinct Meetings may be called under Article III, Section


  1. If a Precinct fails to properly organize or the Precinct Chair fails to act, the County Chair shall appoint a temporary Precinct Chair to serve for a period not to exceed sixty days, during which time an Executive Committee shall be called and a new Precinct Chair shall be elected by the County Executive Committee. All Executive Committee members present at a County Executive Committee meeting at which a new Precinct Chair will be elected may vote in the





  1. Committee Members – The Precinct Committee shall consist of:


  1. Elected officers for the committee,


  1. All Block Captains within the precinct, and


  1. Volunteers as designated by the Precinct


  1. Duties of Committee – The Precinct Committee shall:


  1. Cooperate with the County Executive Committee in all elections and Party activities;


  1. Provide the County Chair with a list of Party members within the Precinct qualified for appointment as election officials; and


  1. Promote the Mission and Core Values of the Party within the


  1. Duties of Officers Duties:


  1. The Chair of the Precinct Committee, with the advice and consent of the Precinct Committee, shall:


  • Supervise the affairs of the Party within his precinct,


  • Conduct all meetings of the Precinct, and


  • Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Precinct and County Executive


  1. The Vice-Chair shall function as Chair in the absence of the


  1. The Secretary shall:








  1. Meetings:
  • Keep all minutes and records, and


  • Maintain a list of registered Republican voters and workers within the Precinct, unless otherwise provided by the Precinct and County Executive



  1. The Precinct Committee shall meet at the call of the Precinct


  1. The Precinct Chair shall give five days’ written, phone call, or email notice of such


  1. A Precinct Meeting may be called by one-third of the members of the Precinct Committee or ten members of the general precinct membership. Five days’ notice in writing, by phone call, or by email shall be given of the


  1. There shall be no proxy


  1. Vacancies and Removals:


  1. Vacancies in Precinct Committee positions can occur due to:


  • Resignation,


  • Discontinuance of residency within the Precinct,


  • Death, and


  • The removal of any officers or


  1. The resulting vacancy shall be filled by the remaining members of the Precinct


  1. If the Precinct Committee fails to fill a vacancy within a reasonable period, the House District Chair and/or County Chair may do so, subject to the approval by the County Executive


  1. Removals:


  • Any officer or member of the Precinct Committee may be removed for cause by a vote of the Precinct


  1. The officer or member to be removed will be presented with written notice of the charges signed by not less than two-thirds of the


  1. The officer or member shall be given written notice at least twenty days prior to the meeting at which the Precinct Committee votes on whether to remove the officer or member and may present a defense at the meeting.


  1. Charges shall be confined to only:


  1. Gross inefficiency,


  1. Party disloyalty, and/or


  1. Intentional failure to comply with the County or State Plans of


  1. The vote of the Committee to remove the officer or member must be by two-thirds vote of those present at the meeting, which must have a quorum of at least one third of the total membership of the Precinct


  1. The officer or member may appeal the decision to the County Executive Committee within twenty days. The County Executive Committee must approve the decision by a vote of two thirds of those present at the meeting. The decision of the County Executive Committee shall be final.


  1. For the purposes of this Plan of Organization, “Party Disloyalty,” wherever stated, shall be defined as actively supporting a candidate of another Party or unaffiliated candidate running in opposition to a nominee of the Republican Party in any partisan election, or in non- partisan races, any candidate in opposition to a duly endorsed Republican candidate of the Wake County Republican Party, any District Committee, the State Executive Committee, or Legislative





  1. Call of the Convention


  1. A County Convention shall be called every year by the Chair of the County Executive Committee, at the County


  • The Convention shall be held at the time specified in the State Plan of Organization for the North Carolina Republican


  • The Chair shall give 15 days’ notice of such Convention in a newspaper of general circulation within the


  1. At the time of the call of the convention, the County Chair, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, shall appoint a Credentials Committee, which shall meet and issue its report on delegates and alternates certified to that convention at least three days in advance of the convening of the convention. No member of the Credentials Committee shall be eligible to be elected to an officer or Executive Committee position at the County Convention for which the Credentials Committee serves, nor shall a committee member publicly support anyone for an office to be elected by the County


  • All delegates challenged in the report of the Credentials Committee shall be notified prior to the day of the convention and allowed to present their cases to the Credentials Committee prior to the convening of the


  • The delegates and alternates elected at the precinct meetings, unless successfully challenged, shall sit as delegates and alternates at the County


  1. If the County Chair fails, refuses, or neglects to call a County Convention as required by this article, it shall become the duty of the First Vice-Chair to act in this


  • The First Vice Chair shall give five days’ notice thereof to all Precinct Chairs and County Executive Committee


  • The First Vice Chair shall give ten days’ notice thereof of such Convention in a newspaper of general circulation within the County.


  1. If the County Chair or First Vice-Chair does not call such a meeting, it shall be cause for any member of the County Executive Committee, with the approval of all of the Chairs of the Congressional Districts contained wholly or partially within Wake County, to call such a convention.


  1. Convention Business:


  1. Plan of Organization – Each year, the County Convention shall adopt a written Plan of Organization, a current copy of which shall be on file at State Party Headquarters. However, if the County Convention fails to adopt a Plan of Organization, the previously adopted Plan of Organization shall remain in


  1. County Party Officer Elections


  • In every odd-numbered year, the County Convention shall elect as County Officers:


  1. Chair,


  1. First Vice-Chair,


  1. Second Vice-Chair,



  1. Third Vice-Chair,


  1. Secretary,


  1. Assistant Secretary,


  1. Treasurer, and


  1. Assistant Treasurer


  • County Officers will serve for a term of two years or until their successors are


  • The County Officers and the Immediate Past Chair shall comprise the County Executive Board of the County Executive Committee.


  • Procedure for electing County


  • County Party resources shall not be used in support of or in opposition to any candidate for a County Officer position.


The Executive Committee may approve a method on an equal basis for information about candidates to be disseminated to delegates.


  • The County Convention shall vote on each position separately.


  • The Credentials Committee shall serve as a teller committee to oversee the election. The Credentials Committee may, in its discretion appoint additional tellers to assist in vote counting. Candidates for County Officer positions may appoint persons to observe the vote-counting


  • Voting for County Officer positions shall be by secret ballot unless the position is unopposed, in which case a voice vote may be


  • County Officers shall not, in their official capacities as officers of the County Party, endorse any candidate or slate of candidates for County Officer


  • The County Chair may appoint not more than two additional persons from the County Executive Committee as ex officio members of the County Executive



  • In addition to the County Officers, the County Convention shall elect ten individuals, who shall reside in their respective region, to serve as regional representatives and at-large voting members of the County Executive Committee, subject to the following:
    • Regions are determined by the Wake Republican Executive Committee, using whole precincts created by the Wake County Board of Elections, and incorporated herein as “Regions” attachment.
    • The term of the regional at-large members shall be for two years, or until their successors are elected.


  1. The County Convention shall elect delegates and alternates to the Congressional District and State


  • The County Convention shall elect one delegate and one alternate plus one additional delegate and alternate for every 250 Republicans, or major fraction thereof, registered as of January 31 of that


  • The County Convention shall further elect one delegate and one alternate for each Republican elected to the State General Assembly and to public office on the state or national level from the County in the last election held for that


  • The delegate vote shall be prorated among the Congressional Districts in the County in accordance with the Republican registration as of January 31 of that year in the political subdivisions within Wake County which have been divided among the different Congressional


  • In the election of delegates and alternates, preference shall be given to the election of persons present at the


  • Only Republicans registered within Wake County by January 31 prior to the precinct meeting immediately prior to the County Convention may be elected delegates or alternates to Congressional District and State


  • There shall be no proxy


  1. Credentials


  1. The Chair and Secretary of the County Executive Committee shall certify the election of officers, committee members, delegates and alternates to the District and State Conventions on forms furnished by


the State Central Committee.


  1. Completed credentials shall be delivered to the Congressional District Secretary and the State Headquarters by the deadline set by the State Chair, which shall be no later than ten days following the date of the County Convention.


  1. No delegates or alternates shall be added to the credentials list following the adjournment of the County


  1. State Convention Delegate Fee


  1. For each person who is elected at a County Convention to be either a Delegate or Alternate to the State Convention, a fee set by the State Central Committee shall be paid by that Delegate or Alternate and forwarded to the State Party to defray the costs of mailing Convention materials.





  1. The voting members of the County Executive Committee shall consist of:


  1. The County Officers


  • The five at-large individuals elected by the County Convention in accordance with Article IV, Section 2



  1. Standing Committee Chairs


  1. One Representative of affiliated clubs and federated auxiliaries elected by the County Executive Committee.



  1. The County Chair shall nominate a Legal Counsel and Chairs of the following Standing Committees, subject to approval(election) by the County Executive Committee:


  • Finance


  • Organization


  • Events


  • Marketing and Public Relations


  • Candidate Development and Recruitment


  • Get Out the Vote
  1. Republican Clubs:


  1. Republican clubs may be officially affiliated by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. Such affiliation must be renewed annually and may be revoked at any time by the Executive Committee..


  1. The Executive Committee may, in its discretion, enact minimum criteria for Republican clubs to be in good standing. Any such criteria shall be made available on the County Party website, and a copy shall be kept with the County Party’s official


  1. As long as a Republican club or federated auxiliary is affiliated by the Executive Committee, a representative of the club or auxiliary may be elected a voting member of the Executive Committee by the Executive Committee.



  1. Powers and Duties


  1. The County Executive Committee shall:


  • Cooperate with the District and State Committees in all elections and Party activities,


  • Encourage qualified candidates within the County to run for elective office,


  • Adopt a budget each year,


  • Recommend nominees to the State Chairman for appointment to the Wake County Board of Elections, and


  • Have active management of Party affairs within the


  1. The County Executive Committee shall conduct such other actions as may be necessary for the conduct of the affairs of the Party, to include:


  • The formulation of fiscal policy, preparation of a budget (based upon a budget recommended by the County Chair)


  • Annual review of the Wake County Republican Party Strategic Plan.


  • Initiating all campaigns and coordinating them as determined feasible and in the best interest of the Republican Party in Wake


  • Keeping accurate accounts of its


  1. The County Executive Board shall meet at the call of the County


  • The County Executive Board shall:


  1. Formulate and promote the mission and goals of the Wake County Republican Party in accordance with the Wake County Republican Party Strategic Plan,



  1. Exercise oversight of the authorization and expenditure of funds and the execution of contracts for services, and


  1. Develop agendas for meetings of the County Executive Committee.


  • The County Executive Board may approve expenditures of funds and contracts for services within dollar limits established by the County Executive


  • The County Executive Board may act by in-person meeting, conference call, or email vote in which all members of the County Executive Board are included in the email and have a reasonable opportunity to comment on any proposal during the time allowed for


  • A quorum of the County Executive Board, for purposes of an in- person meeting or conference call meeting, shall consist of one third of the County Executive Board membership. However, for an email vote, an affirmative vote requires a two-thirds vote of the whole membership of the


  • A written record of the decisions of the County Executive Board shall be kept with the records of the County


  • Actions by the County Executive Board shall be subject to approval by the County Executive


  1. The County Chair and the First Vice-Chair shall be ex-officio members of all


  1. The First Vice-Chair is to be considered the “Vice Chair” of the County Party, for NCGOP


  1. Meetings


  1. The County Executive Committee shall meet twice a year upon call of the County Chair after giving ten days’ notice to all members; or upon the similar call of one-third of the voting membership of the Committee. Other meetings of the County Executive Committee may be called by the County Chair after giving five days’ notice to all


  1. One-third of the voting membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of


  1. There shall be no proxy


  1. Duties of Officers


  1. The Chair, with the advice and consent of the County Executive Committee, shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Party within the


  • The Chair shall issue the call for Precinct Meetings, the County Convention and County Executive Committee Meetings, and shall preside at all the meetings of the County Executive Committee.


  • The Chair shall make the appointments as provided in this Plan of Organization and, in addition to the Standing Committees, may appoint ad hoc committees deemed necessary to conduct the business of the County Executive


  • The Chair shall further appoint a temporary chair of the county convention, who may be


  • The Chair shall make periodic reports on the status of the Party within Wake County to the Congressional District


  • The Chair shall obtain and preserve a list of all registered Republicans within Wake County, and


  • The Chair shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the County, District or State


  • The County Chair shall be an ex officio member of all committees.


  • In addition to these duties, the Chair shall annually prepare a Strategic Action Timeline based upon the Wake County Republican Party Strategic


  1. The Strategic Action Timeline shall be presented to the County Executive Board for review and approval no later than March of each


  1. The County Chair shall also prepare a proposed budget by March of each year for presentation to and approval by the County Executive Committee. The proposed budget shall be based upon the goals outlined in the Strategic Action


  1. The First, Second, and Third Vice-Chairs, in succession, shall function as Chair in the absence of the Chair and shall have such other duties as may be prescribed by the County Executive


  1. The Secretary shall keep all minutes and records and shall maintain a roster of all precinct officers and County Executive Committee members.


  • Such records shall be available, including all credentials lists upon request, to any registered Republican within the


  • The Secretary shall furnish to the Congressional District Chair and to State Headquarters up-to-date lists of all Precinct Chairs.


  1. The Treasurer shall:


  • Receive and disburse all funds for Party expenditures pursuant to authority duly given by the County Executive Committee,


  • Make a financial report at all County Executive Committee meetings, and


  • Fulfill all financial reports and obligations required under State and Federal election


  • The Assistant Treasurer’s sole responsibility shall be to make the financial report in the absence of the Treasurer, and to assist the Treasurer in their other


  1. The Standing Committee Chairs shall:


  • Adopt an annual Strategic Action Timeline and a proposed budget based upon that Timeline by February of each


  • The Strategic Action Timeline and proposed budget shall be presented to the respective Vice-Chair overseeing that Committee for



  • The Vice-Chairs shall present the annual Strategic Action Timeline and proposed budget to the County Chair for use in preparing the Strategic Action Timeline and proposed budget referenced in Article V, Section 2 of this Plan of


  1. Vacancies and Removals


  1. Vacancies in County Executive Committee positions can occur due to:


  • Resignation,


  • Discontinuance of residency within the Precinct,


  • Death, and


  • The removal of any officers or


  1. The resulting vacancy shall be filled by an election by the County Executive Committee:


  • Except that immediately upon the office of Chair becoming vacant, the First Vice-Chair shall automatically succeed to the office of Chair until such an election is


  • In the event a current officer is elected Chair, the County Executive Committee shall elect new officers as needed to fill any


  1. Removals:


  • Any officer or member of the County Executive Committee may be removed for cause by a vote of the County Executive Committee.


  1. The officer or member to be removed will be presented with written notice of the charges signed by not less than one-third of the


  1. The officer or member will be allowed 30 days to appear and present a defense at an Executive Committee meeting.


  1. Charges shall be confined to only:



  1. Gross inefficiency,


  1. Party disloyalty, and/or


  1. Intentional failure to comply with the County or State Plans of











  1. The vote of the County Executive Committee to remove the officer or member must be two-thirds or more of those present at the


  1. The officer or member may appeal the decision to the State Central Committee within 20 days, and the decision of the State Central Committee shall be




  1. Finance Committee


  1. The County Finance Committee shall be composed of


  • The County Finance Committee Chair,


  • The County Chair,


  • The County Vice-Chair,


  • The County Treasurer, and


  • Not less than three persons approved by the County Executive Committee, as specified in Article


  1. They shall cooperate with the Congressional District and State Fi- nance Committees and shall have active management of fundraising efforts within the


  1. Auditing Committee


  1. The Auditing Committee, appointed by the County Chair and presented for the advice and consent of the County Executive Committee, shall conduct a yearly audit of the financial records of the


County Party and report such audit to the County Executive Committee for approval.


  1. Expenditures


Any expenditure of funds, including the signing contracts for services, must be authorized in advance by the County Executive Committee.


  • Party expenditures or authority to sign contracts may also be authorized by the County Chair or County Treasurer within dollar limits or other parameters or conditions established by the County Executive


  • Any dollar limits, parameters, or conditions may be adopted by the County Executive Committee in the form of a standing fiscal





  1. Annual Conventions and Presidential Election Year Conventions


  1. The County Conventions shall be called to order by the Chair, or in the absence of the Chair, by the First Vice-Chair or the Second Vice-Chair, in order stated, who shall have the power to appoint the necessary Convention Committees and temporary officers at or before the convening of the


  1. Voting Procedure


  1. No delegate, alternate or any other member of a Convention shall cast any vote by


  1. No precinct shall cast more votes than it has duly elected delegates on the floor at the County Convention at the time of the


  1. No person shall be seated as a delegate or alternate unless such person shall have been duly elected a delegate or alternate by the appropriate precinct meeting; except, the registered Republican or Republicans present at the County Convention from an unorganized precinct which has not had its credentials accepted shall have the right to vote one vote per precinct, pro-rated fractionally among those present from that


  1. Only delegates present on the floor are eligible to


  1. Special Conventions


  1. The County Executive Committee, in the interests of the Wake County Republican Party, may direct the County Chair to issue calls for special organizational meetings and special County


  1. The procedure for calling regular meetings and conventions shall apply to the calling of special meetings and conventions so far as applicable and not inconsistent with this Plan of


  1. Newspaper of General Circulation


  1. Notice published in a newspaper of general circulation in the County for the purpose of this Plan of Organization shall include either a paid advertisement or a news item, provided it includes the time, date, location, and purpose of the meeting. This in no way relieves the Chair of the responsibility of the


  1. Challenges


  1. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan of Organization, challenges to the seating of delegates and alternates must be made individually.


  1. Successful challenges shall not affect the seating of other delegates and alternates in the same precinct delegation unless it can be demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that challenged delegates and alternates would not otherwise have been elected but for the votes of the unqualified delegates or


  1. General Election Procedure


  1. Notwithstanding any other article in this Plan of Organization, the allocated delegate slots and then the allocated alternate slots allotted under the Plan of Organization to a precinct or a county shall be filled first by the election of those duly qualified registered Republicans, eligible to vote, present at such meeting or convention, and desiring to be elected to fill such


  1. No one shall be eligible for election as a delegate or alternate who is not present at the meeting or convention where such delegates or alternates are elected to the exclusion of another duly qualified,


registered Republican who is present and wishes to be elected as a delegate or alternate.


Proposed Rules of the Convention, which may be the previous year’s Rules of the Convention, shall be made available on the County Party website at least ten days prior to the County Convention. Any challenge to the sufficiency or legitimacy of the Rules must be made at the time that the Rules of the Convention are adopted.





  1. Republican Primary Campaigns:


  1. Wake County Republican Party Executive Committee members, including District and Precinct officers, are encouraged to participate in primary campaigns; however, members shall not allow their titles or positions to be used in support of one primary candidate over another except as provided in Section B,


  1. While acting in their official capacities, Wake County Republican Party Executive Committee members, including District and Precinct officers, except as provided in Section 2 below, shall provide the same support and aid to all primary candidates such that one Republican candidate does not have an unfair advantage over another by having partial or exclusive use of the party


  1. County Executive Board members shall not chair or co-chair a primary campaign.


  1. Wake County Republican Party Endorsements


  1. A candidate endorsement must not conflict with any censures passed by the State and/or Congressional District Executive


  1. In Republican primary elections, the Wake County Executive Committee can vote to endorse all, some or none of the Republican candidates running for


  1. In Non-Partisan primary and general elections, Congressional District and County Executive Committees shall have the exclusive authority to endorse registered Republicans running in Wake


  • The County Executive Committee shall only consider endorsing candidates in non-partisan races where the area served resides entirely within the


  • All members of the County Executive Committee may vote for non-partisan candidate endorsements regardless of whether or not some Committee members live within the serving area of the race in


  • In non-partisan statewide judicial elections, the NCGOP State Executive Committee has exclusive authority to endorse registered Republicans. The County Executive Committee endorsements of non-partisan, statewide judicial candidates shall agree with the State Executive Committee


  1. With respect to any endorsement, unless otherwise provided by law, the County Executive Board shall send a written notice by email or United States mail to all committee members of the time, date, location, and purpose of any meeting at which any endorsement will be


  • Notification will use the last known address of each committee member.


  • Notice must be sent at least ten days prior to the date of the meeting, unless good cause exists for shortening the time period.


  • In no case may the meeting be scheduled for a time and date less than five days after the notice to committee


  • Any committee member may request notices by regular mail at any


  1. The County Executive Board shall send the notice to all registered Republicans who are candidates seeking the office for which the endorsement will be





  1. Parliamentary Authority – The latest edition of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern all proceedings except when inconsistent with the County Plan of Organization, the State Plan of Organization, or properly adopted


Convention Rules.


  1. Amendments:


  1. Any proposed amendment to this Plan of Organization shall not conflict with or confuse statements, provisions, or requirements found within the most recently adopted State Plan of


  1. Any proposed amendment to this Plan of Organization shall be presented to the County Executive Board for processing at least 30 days prior to the date of the County


  1. The County Executive Board shall review and approve all amendments for presentation to the County Convention AND REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ALL AMENDMENTS BY THE NEXT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING. Approval or rejection of any amendment shall be based solely upon READABILITY AND SYNTAX, and the absence of conflicts and confusion with the State Plan of Organization and with other parts of the County Plan of


  1. The County Executive Committee shall have the power, for any reason, to override by a majority vote the decision of the County Executive Board with respect to any proposed amendment upon receiving any report of proposed amendments from the Executive Board. The County Executive Committee and shall have the power to propose additional amendments to the County Plan of Organization at least 30 days prior to the date of the County


  1. Any amendment proposing procedural and/or organizational changes to this Plan of Organization shall not be considered an unacceptable conflict. Rather, the County Executive Board shall only disapprove amendments proposing procedural and/or organizational changes to this Plan of Organization where the amendment does not address inconsistencies with other provisions of the County Plan of Organization.


  1. Any proposed amendment to this Plan of Organization shall be presented to the delegates at the next County Convention for a majority vote of the properly credentialed delegates present at the time of the


  1. When it is determined that the County Plan of Organization is not consistent with the State Plan of Organization or is inconsistent with state or federal law, the County Executive Committee, at its next


meeting and within 90 days of the determination, must amend the County Plan of Organization to correct the inconsistency. In such circumstances, the amendment shall be made by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee. The substance of the proposed amendment shall be mailed by first class U.S. Mail to all members. If the proposed amendment is sent to a member by email and the member does not object on the basis of having not received the proposed amendment by U.S. Mail by the time of the meeting, such failure to object shall constitute a waiver of the objection.


  1. The County Executive Committee shall have the authority, by a two- thirds vote, to correct any spelling, typographical, or formatting errors in the Plan of


  1. All amendments to the Plan of Organization shall be submitted by certified United States mail, return receipt requested, to the NCGOP State Headquarters Executive Director, Political Director, and District Chairman within 30 days after their


  1. Effective Date of This Plan – This Plan of Organization shall become effective and repeal and supersede all other rules, except as specifically noted, immediately upon