We are excited to be hosting a Young Republican National (YRNF) Deployment in Wake County, North Carolina to support Ted Budd, Bo Hines, and Republicans down the ballot.
Please fill out the Google form to confirm your participation in the deployment, and if necessary, reserve your hotel room (provided for YR members) for the weekend.
*****HOTEL ROOMS will only be provided for Young Republican members*****
Full schedule and hotel information for the weekend will be provided to all registered volunteers prior to the deployment.
Sign up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf6-kWzduNCgLpDyY2nrMGF_cHFnWlv0w6siybLqfuZ5VdaPQ/viewform?fbclid=IwAR1OdKKw6l8O7hih3ERehTpATQoNTimon8MpL1FZ-DXnya-SvI0RQeBB-JE